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tv   The Last Word  MSNBC  March 20, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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rick santorum, not apparently working from notes. certainly not working from a teleprompt teleprompter, coming back at mitt romney saying america doesn't need a manager in washington, d.c. we need someone to pull up government by the roots and throw it out in case the contrast wasn't clear enough. nbc's coverage of the republican presidential primaries continues now with lawrence o'donnell on the last word. good evening, mr. o'donnell. >> rachael, we heard a lot from rick santorum. we heard from mitt romney. but we didn't hear enough from you. those guys took up all of your time. i got an empty chair over here. why don't you run across the hall. >> okay. >> i'm sitting here all alone. >> i'll be there in 27 seconds. >> all right. >> thanks. >> nbc news projects mitt romney will win the illinois primary after his campaign and his superpac outspent rick santorum by a 7-1 margin. that includes santorum's superpac spending.
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mitt romney will not win all 54 delegates. they will be split among the 18 congressional districts. and among the winners, the majority of voters also said the economy was the most important issue in this race. and tonight, mitt romney used his victory speech to attack president obama's policies. >> many of us believe we were in danger of losing something even more than the value of our homes and our 401(k)s after years of too many apologies and not enough jobs. historic drops in income and historic highs in gas prices, a president who doesn't hesitate to use all the means necessary to force through obama care and the american public but leads from behind in the world. it's time to say these words. this word, enough. for 25 years, i lived and breathed business and the
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economy and jobs. i had successes and failures. but each step of the way i learned more about what it is that makes our american system so powerful. you can't learn that teaching constitutional law at university of chicago. all right? >> joining me now is nbsz news political director and host of msnbc's "the daily run down" am tell us how it happened, how he put it together in illinois. >> demographics. i want to say, it tells a story better than anything we can do. romney won because he just fit the state of illinois better. i'm going to pick three areas and compare them to mississippi and ohio and keep these three percentages in mind. in mississippi, romney got 31% in ohio, 38%.
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tonight, it appears he's going to get 47%. let's look at those with income officials $100,000, mississippi, 26%, ohio, 30%, illinois, 37%. let's look at white he vevangel voters, mississippi, 80% of voters war evangelicals. in illinois, 42%. and let me show you this one. college graduates in mississippi, 43%, ohio, 40%, illinois 49%. so basically, higher -- wealthier, higher educated, less religious, that's the state of illinois and romney's percentage is basically about 20 points higher than it was in mississippi. another thing that hurt santorum a little bit tonight, they both -- santorum and romney have an achilles heel. there are voters who think romney isn't conservative enough and voters think that santorum is too conservative. among those, 33% said santorum was too conservative. and you had among those folks
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romney won by an almost 8-1 margin. 72% voted for romney, just 6% for santorum. now about a -- 43% of those who showed up said romney is not conservative enough. however, santorum only won those by a 2 1/2 to 1 margin. he didn't close the sale as well with those who have doubts with, those republicans who had doubts about romney versus how romney certainly closed the sale with those who have doubts about santorum. again, i go back to the demographics. you give me the demographics of a state and i think we know the margins. it calls into this question, could romney have won this state without spend ag dollar? that the demographics tell the story? i know this was the same conversation that we were having four years ago. >> clubbing, what do we know about the turnout in the president's home state tonight? >> right now it's looking like it's going to be almost exactly the same as the turnout was four years ago. about 900,000. republicans turned out in 2008. the estimation right now looks
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like it's going to be right around there. could be 10,000 higher. could be 10,000 lower. but right at the mark and then one other thing on the delegate front, 54 delegates at stake. romney could get as many as 43. our loose estimation in the political unit is somewhere between 40% and 43%. right now ate pears santorum is winning three of the congressional districts. he could get a fourth and that would get him as many as 14 delegates. >> okay, chuck. stay with us. feel free to jump in with our other guests. joining us now is steve schmitt, nbc analyst and campaign adviser and the nearby host of "the rachael madow show." you didn't get a word in on your show. >> yeah. >> you had to swallow the speeches. >> i said hello. here is rick. got go. >> do you have any thoughts? >> number actually, meditating the whole time.
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ful actually, i don't think it's a surprise that mitt romney won. i think that the santorum and gingrich critique with steve schmitt is taken part. they shouldn't be getting on him for spending so much money. i do actually think there is a little bit of an motional pull to that critique. i think it sort of matters to people that mitt romney has outspent rick santorum seven to one in illinois. as chuck says, the dem graphic there's, he should have been able to win it by spending nothing. he really is just blanketing people in money. i think that people sometimes resent that even if you want your candidate to have the resources to compete. i think that rick santorum has got to push newt gingrich out of the race. he's got to show he can win somewhere outside the deep south. i don't think he's going to do that. so i think the romney campaign has to figure out how they're going to appeal to people who don't like him and vote for rick santorum anyway. >> steve schmitt, what does tonight mean for the strategists and three strategists and
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campaigns? >> you took a step forward tonight in the mitt romney campaign. the race isn't over. you want to avoid any unexpected losses. you foresee santorum doing well in louisiana. you see him doing well in his home state of pennsylvania. but you look now at the calendar. you see a lot of states where romney's going to do well. so romney needs to start thinking about how do you begin to heal some of the damage that's been done? how do you put the party together? for newt gingrich, i think, frankly, his campaign is in a fairly delusional state. it's over. he's not going to be the president. he's not going to be the republican nominee. why he's in the race, i don't know. but if you look at the financial reports, not a lot of money, campaigns end when they run out of money. of course, rick santorum, he's looking at this race, trying to come up with a scenario where mitt romney is not able to get the requisite number of delegates to shut it down to become the nominee. if he's successful at holding romney from that, pushing into this into the convention, he
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thinks he has a chance to walk away as the nominee. maybe does he. >> chuck todd, give us a little bit of the arguments we're going to hear about delegate math. we talked about this a little bit last night. nobody really knows how many delegates these people have at this point. >> we're actually trying to find -- [ inaudible ] >> overallocated caucuses and a lot of other media outlets are doing that. the way the caucuses work on this republican side is a lot different than the democrats do. and most of these delegates haven't been elected yet. whether it's colorado, minnesota, for instance on one hand or washington state which would be one that mitt romney is going to get probably do well at at that state. but those conventions are happening in the next couple of months. so i go back to the delegates scenario. i'll put up my calendar here. i'm going to circle one state. i think at this point rick santorum has -- we're back to another one of the one state strategies. he has got to beat romney in
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wisconsin if he has any hopes of creating the scenario of denying him to 1144. i went through this. if santorum wins wisconsin, and i think demographically there is an argument he can do it. it's not as urban as in illinois. it's a little more like a north dakota and iowa and minnesota. those states that santorum has done well in. there is an evangelical base there, a little bit. a little bit more of a hard corps conservative base. he could win there. if he does, you start looking at the map. april is not a great month tore santorum. you start looking at may, north carolina shows up in there. indiana shows up in there. you have nebraska. you have texas. that big chunk of delegates that still got -- that still have to be awarded at the end of may. and if santorum wins wisconsin, i think it's very hard for -- it's going to make romney getting to 1144 very difficult. probably better than 50/50 chance. we talked about this last night. but it is harder. that's why i say right now it is a one state strategy for rick
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santorum. it is about wisconsin. >> rachel, what impact do you think that will have on their chewsing between what may seem like a hard corps conservative and maybe a guy who's willing to find the more reasonable way to do business, mitt romney? >> yeah. i think it's hard to put scott walker in wisconsin on any sort of number line between rick santorum and mitt romney. i think that he wanted to be seen as more of a mitt romney. >> -- republican voters there who in what they've brought with walker. they go wait a minute, maybe i want someone who is a little more careful. >> except for the fact that walker tried to portray himself as a business guy. he tried to portray himself as a bane capital kind of guy. i'll coming in there and be ruthless and win so and lose some but ultimately, you'll be happy with me. that has not worked fought well
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in wisconsin. nobody lost more jobs than wisconsin under scott walker. he came in there saying i'm not an idealogue. i'm all about jobs and numbers. it has not gone that way. he may be a test run for the mitt romney campaign. i have to say listening to chuck do the delegate map and how wisconsin is important and how the states are being run. i mean did you see the ballot today in illinois? i mean missouri had the cops called in and the county that had the largest number of delegates this weekend. i mean iowa they changed their results. wyoming randomly resigned delegate today. virgin islands ron paul won but mitt romney got more delegates. i think if it's going to come down to who has enough delegates, i'm worried. i'm not a person that worried about voting shah nonbegans. if i felt strongly about it, i would be worried about the way that republicans got all of
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these states and contest this is yearment it's a mess. >> lawrence? the rules have changed that we saw rules changed in michigan that michigan republicans changed the rules and allocated another delegate to romney after the result. florida, michael steel continues to contend that those rules are not -- that they shouldn't have been winner take all. if he doesn't get to 1144, the way old credential committees and lawrence, i'm giving you flashbacks, but it's going to be chaos. >> in a universe where there is the potential for this kind of shenanigans and delegates, who benefits from that? the team with the best lawyers? the team with the best back room operators? >> certainly the team that has both of those is going to be benefited over the other. but it also is going to come down to who has the motional connection if kament down to it with the delegates at the convention. these candidates will have to get up there and give a speech. it's going to be the speech of
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their lives. all of the preplanned showbiz aspects of the convention where you're trying to drive a message, trying to connect with the american people, it will be totally out the window. it will be total chaos. and it's anyone's guess what will happen. there is just absolutely no modern precedent for it. >> chucked to, steve schmitt and rachel madow. thank you for joining me tonight. >> you bet. >> coming up, ryan 2.0. the ryan plan is back doing just as much damage to medicare as the first ryan plan and cutting taxes even more crazily for the rich. and, of course, all the while adding to the budget deficit and giving a political gift to the obama relection campaign. we'll do a quick review of that before digging deeper into the killing of trey vonn martin. we'll bring you the new developments of the day. you'll hear a new portion of the 911 tape that may be more
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revealing than everything else on those tapes. [ male announcer ] if you believe the mayan calendar,
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on december 21st, polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space, which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd and you still need to retire, td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans?
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it makes me sad to watch team use patriotism in their political argument. they're not red and blue. they're not black and white. they are not male and female. they are americans. when they put the uniforms on, they are americans. that's a fact.
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hypothetically speaking, at the end of the day, has your husband ever come home and said
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to you, oh, that john boehner, what an idiot? >> it has never happened. never. never. he is always upbeat, particularly about congress. >> yeah. how can you not be upbeat? >> the obama re-election campaign has plenty to be upbeat about today. thanks to the return of paul ryan. >> one year ago we offered our path to prosperity and this year we're offering again our path to prosperity. >> republican house budget committee chairman paul ryan chose today to release the ryan plan 2.0. like last year's ryan plab, it abolishes medicare and replaces it with a lower cost voucher system tham leave senior citizens literally fearing for their lives. after his voucher plan was denounced last year, ryan is now
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trying the proven political strategy of simply lying about it this year. he thinks using the phrase premium support will fool people into thinking we're not talking about vouchers anymore. and if you think mitt romney is older an wiser since he embraced the first ryan plan -- think again. >> i'm very supportive of the ryan plan. i think it's bold and exciting effort on his part and part of the republicans. and it's very much consistent with what i put out earlier. this budget deals with entitlement reform, tax policy which is very similar to the one i put out. and efforts to reign in excessive spending. a plaud it. it is very much needed. >> romney applauds, of course, because the ryan plan also includes a massive tax cut for the rich and removes progressive ti in the tax code by reducing the code to simply two income
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tax rates, 10% and 25%. without even specifying at what income levels those two rates apply. that's the kind of thing that makes the new ryan plan an empty suit compared even to the old ryan plan. and it makes the ryan plan a purely political document which the obama re-election campaign now believes is its key to victory. joining me now is aol huffington post director howard fineman. howard, there is a thing i don't get here. mitt romney, he won i will toil night. he's way ahead in delegates. he's on his way to this nomination. it's not clear what can stop him from getting this nomination right now. why would he embrace the politically deadly ryan plan? the plan that pretty much sinks the republican nominee in florida? >> i think it's because he's still in primary season mode,
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lawrence. yes, he won illinois. i agree with you, i think mitt romney has shown ruthless efficiency here and spending the money to pile up the adds to get the delegates to get close to if not over 1,144 as you were discussing in your last segment. but he still has rick santorum attacking him from the right and newt gingrich attacking him from the right and ron paul is an asterisk. he has tough primaries coming up. i don't think he wants to vary one smidgeon. he said he liked the plan. he supports it or whatever. maybe that will hang him. i think he said it was bold. i mean he used a lot of adjectives in there. i would expect that if mitt romney wraps up the nomination, you'll see him dancing away at least to some extent from ryan and company as fast as he can. >> i want to listen to something that paul ryan said today at his
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press conference. he pretty much pushed this plan into the presidential campaign. let's listen to that. >> our nominee owes it to the country to give them a choice of two futures. we're helping them do that. each of these people running for president have all given their various ideas with perfectly jive or consistent with what we're -- >> and you wholeheartedly believe they'll accept your budget? >> absolutely. >> for a party who doesn't know who the nominee is going to be since they may, even with romney's wins, they may end up going into the convention without romney having all the delegates he needs to lock it up, ryan, i don't know. there is something funny about this. about trying to stick this in there. is this -- does he think this might be his ticket on to the ticket in the number two spot or to get his name thrown around even more as a possibility in a brokered convention? >> i suppose you could argue in a way that negotiating at an open convention has already begun. mitch daniels was on "hardball"
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last week with chris matthews. boy, did mitch daniels sound like he wanted to be drafted. he's got a new book out. he says, look, the candidates are not being specific. the candidates welcome timid. i, mitch daniels, am being bold. i'm out there. paul ryan did the same thing today. as you said during the illinois primary he chose to do this and advance of the wisconsin primary, by the way, which is his home territory. and i think paul ryan considers himself a national player either to define the conversation or be on the ticket as well. interesting contrast between the kanld dates who are running who are often very vague and the sort of why don't you draft me, people, like mitch daniels and paul ryan who are saying we're the brave specific ones. >> paul ryan has to hate live in the house of representatives right now. he got as high as he can get. he can look forward to another 30 years as chairman of the budget committee or maybe getting on that romney ticket. does he solve romney's problems
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if he's the number two choice? >> well, perhaps. paul ryan, by the way, you were speaking as a former senate staffer there. you're staying for the house with showing. but, no, paul ryan is a darling of the conservative base of the republican party. he's one of the most respected figures, well liked figures. he's an articulate guy. many of us may disagree with his plan. it's controversial at the very least. the obama campaign can't wait to run against it. they like the plan and they like paul ryan. i'm sure he would be short listed by anybody who gets the nomination, especially mitt romney. >> howard, i'm going to close with this. as for senate superiority complexes, no one ever sees a senator quit the senate to run for the house of representatives. they are not welcoming a lot of senators down the ladder to the house. howard fineman, thank you very much for joining me.
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>> thank you. >> komg up, the justice department and fbi are now looking into the case of treyvon martin. they started, they announced that just minutes after this program last night had a federal prosecutor on showing them the way to a federal prosecution in this case. the case of treyvon martin who was shot by a man who still, still in florida, has the right to carry a gun under florida law. you'll hear that man's voice, the man who did the shooting on a new 911 tape tonight. you'll have to be the judge of exactly what he says. that's next.
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there's an important new witness in the kimg of treyvon martin. it is revealed when he was being followed by the man who was going to kill him, treyvon was on the phone with his girlfriend, explaining exactly what was happening to him every step of the way. one of the lawyers for treyvon's family will join me next. you'll hear a new portion of the 911 tape and what i heard george zimmerman say on that tape and what treyvon says he heard him say on that tape could be shocking evidence of a hate crime. we're going to play the tape. you will listen to it. you will be the judge of what the words are that george
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she says, treyvon, she hears treyvon say why you are following me? and that's when she says she
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hears another voice saying what you are doing around here? and, again, treyvon says why you are following me? and that's when she says, again, he said what are you doing around here? and she says treyvon was pushed. the reason she concludes he is pushed is because she says his voice kind of changes like something interrupt the his speech. >> that's was ben gentleman money crumb p, the head attorney for the family of treyvon martin revealing the latest developments in the case. it turns out that treyvon martin was on his cell phone with his girlfriend while he was being pursued by george zimmerman. joining me now, congressman core reen brown and jasmine ran, one of martin family's attorneys and a professor for the florida a & m university. attorney rand, what is the importance of this new development with this ear
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witness? she didn't see anything but she heard everything through her cell phone, everything that was happening to treyvon. >> i think the importance of this new witness is that it's kr corroborative testimonies. she said that treyvon was not at gresor. and zimmerman was actively pursuing treyvon. >> congressman brown, you're on the show last night. you said you were going to have a meeting with the justice department today. how did that go? >> i think it went very well. we met with the mayor of sanford and the city manager and the justice department for over an hour. and i got the feeling that we are moving in the right direction. it was very important to giet te justice department involved with the state and local because i don't feel up to this point that everything has been handled the way it should have been handled.
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>> a lot of things vn been done by the local police, including talking to witnesses. there is another witness i want to listen to now on the "orlando sentinel" website. this is where this videotape comes from. they have this interview of the 13-year-old boy who did witness part of this event. let's watch this and listen to this. >> i heard screaming when i walked outside. so i went to where i heard it. it was behind about 20 to 25 yards from behind my house. and i looked and i saw someone laying on the ground and i heard someone yelling for help. and then my dog, he got off the leash and i went to go grab him and then when i grabbed my dog, i heard a shot and right when i heard the shot, the screaming
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stopped. so i went inside and i told my sister and she called 911. the police arrived and i later found out that the person who got shot died. i think about what if i would have went over there if the person still would have got shot. no, i just think that sometimes people get stereo typed and i fit into this stereotype as the person who got shot. >> congressman brown, there is a 13-year-old constituent of yours who is thinking tonight what could i have done? maybe if i i went over there, the shooting wouldn't have happened. he's also worried tonight that he fits the stereotype of the kind of person that george zimmerman was looking for.
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>> clearly, it's just very dangerou dangerous, very dangerous specie of black male walking on a sidewalk. this is america and we're better than this. we've got to do better. and this is not acceptable. clearly, he was profiled. and how this case has been handled has got to be a teaching moment for us. we've got to learn from this and we've got to put procedures in place that we're all comfortable that this is not going to happen again. >> i want us all and the audience especiallily to listen to this new portion of the 911 tape that was revealed today. most people have heard the rest of this tape. but i want to give the audience a heads up. it gets profane. george zimmerman uses the f word very clearly. there is absolutely no dispute about that. he says f-ing and it's the word after that. and the network has kind of
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bleeped out the word f-ing and so it's a little bit hard to hear the flow into the next word. but the next word is the big word that's at issue here. this is the part of the transport where the dispatcher is going to say okay, what entrance is it that he's heading towards? zimmerman says the back entrance. then there's a pause. then there's f-ing and there's a word. and he's calling -- he's calling treyvon this word. >> okay. >> and i want everyone to listen to it. everyone in the audience. we'll play it more than once. i want everyone to make their own judge bment whment about wh hearing. >> which entrance that he is heading towards? >> the back entrance. are you following him? >> yeah. >> we don't need you to do that. >> all right. i just want to let the audience hear it one more time. i've listened to it a few times. the first time i heard it, i
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recognized that second word easily. i want to let the audience hear it one more time and then we'll talk about it. >> okay. which entrance is that that he's heading towards? >> the back entrance. are you following him? >> yeah. >> okay, we don't need you to do that. >> jasmine rand, what do you hear him saying? >> i hear him saying f-ing coons? >> congresswoman brown? >> i heard that the dispatcher told him to stand down. we don't need you to follow him. they're on the way. that's what i heard. there was no reason for him to engage this young man whatsoever. he cloor lclearly was at gres o
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aggressor. >> attorney rand, i heard it repeatedly. there are people saying when they hear this word they hear the word punks. i know people are saying that with honesty. i think to some extent it depends on what computer you're listening to it on. but let's goat your interpretation of it legally much those two words, the f-ing and then saying the word that you attributed to george zimmerman, it seems to me constitutes obvious evidence of hateful intent. this is a racial slur that you're hearing him say. minutes, seconds possibly before he shoots a black teenager to death for having done absolutely nothing. >> well, i mean, i think as you said, the rarnl overtones to me, they couldn't be ignored to begin with and certainly, you know, after i went back and
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analyzed what i heard, too, i didn't hear it the first time. but i certainly went back and listened to it several times now and that's what i hear. i think that the racial overtones are prevalent throughout this entire case, beginning with some statement that's the neighborhood has made which are significant to me in what a lot of the neighbors have said is, yes, that's what we do. we look for young black men to be criminals on this property. and that's exactly what george zimmerman did that night. treyvon was not a criminal. he was a kid walking home from a convenience store with a pack of skittles and iced tea. george zimmerman identified him as a young black male who he believed was suspicious because of i had skin color and followed him to see if he was going to commit any type of criminal activity. i think, you know, zimmerman's language, the f-ing coons is what i heard. he also referred to -- or said that these a-holes always get away. and he identified treyvon as
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black twice in that video. so, to me, you know, that last bit where what i hear is f-ing coons is very significant. we can no longer ignore that this was a racially motivated crime. >> congresswoman brown, i've studied police cover-ups in the past. and i have written about them. and when i heard that tape today, and when i interpreted it the way that attorney rand interpreted it, i believe that what we have here is evidence of a police cover-up. this is not conclusive legal proof of a police cover-up. but this is evidence that the police, that local police department never wanted anyone to hear those two words. and that's why we haven't heard those two words until today. >> well, one of the things i wanted was to release the tapes so that you could hear it. and i also wanted the justice department to come in so we could get an independent review
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of what has happened from step-by-step. and that is what has happened. the fact that you see the tapes and can you hear those tapes and they're out there so you can analyze those tapes was very important to me. >> congresswoman brown, and attorney rand, i'm sure we'll have you both back. thank you very much for joining us to night. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, we'll have more on the killing of treyvon martin and the florida law that the shooter has been hiding behind.
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with the fbi and state investigators now on the case, we'll soon see just how long the authorities stand your ground raw can protect the man who shot treyvon martin. that's next.
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he had no intention of getting back in his truck doing what the police instructed him to do. he kept pursuing treyvon martin. how do we know? because this young lady connects the dotsment s. she connects the dots. the self-defense claim is blown out of the water. >> that's the attorney for the
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family of treyvon martin today talking about the new witness revealed in the case. joining me now is the executive director of the florida coalition to stop gun violence. i read quotes of yours the other day where you predicted exactly this when the florida legislature was considering this law. >> yes, that's right. you know, we're delighted with the dialogue that's been started about this horrible law. in fact, there's been more dialogue in the last few days than i've been able to create in the last seven years. but, you know, we've been in it from the start. we're going to keep at it. our goal is to repeal this law. >> i want to put up a map for our audience of all the other states that have some version of your stand your ground law. florida was vet first. and look at the contagion and the way it spread across this country. there are lives at risk in every one of those states.
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these are republican-controlled legislatures in these states for the most part doing this. >> that's right. and we're in contact with these gun control organizations and these states. they're having the same trouble with those laws that we're having here. >> and was there much opposition to this in the legislature? did the democrats just fold as this thing was coming because they were afraid of being considered soft on crime? >> unfortunately, yes. >> and what has been the experience with it in the state? is anyone tracking each one of these incidents with the racial makeup of the shooters versus the victims of the shootings? >> not in that detail. but we've been cataloging the shootings since 2005. and we've gone through over 100 now. and the pattern is there. when there are no witnesses, they're dismissed. when there are witnesses that go to trial usually for
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manslaughter. so i have at least a dozen cases on my desk back in florida of exactly the same kind of shootings, almost identical. and they were all dismissed because there were no witnesses. >> we're rejoined by jasmine rand, one of the attorneys for treyvon martin's family. attorney rand, do you think we are now passed the problem in this case of this crazy self-defense law in florida? has the case moved beyond the hurdle that that represents? >> i think we were past the self-defense claim way before this. you know, i would hope with the new testimony of the young lady today we have pieced together the final moments of his life now. it's clear in the final moments, zimmerman was still at gresor and treyvon was still the victim trying to get away from him. so, you know, in my opinion,
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yes, we're away from it z that mean we're in the clear? no, because it's not up to me. >> and do you expect attorney rand for the state investigation to take precedence over the federal investigation? is it your understanding from what you've been hearing that the justice department will do some looking around but basically hold back to see what the state does first? >> i have been not -- i have not been directly in contact with the justice department. i did meet with the state attorney's office. the state he attorney told me when i asked him how the investigation of chief police for sanford performed was, he told me that the investigation was reasonable and needed great supplementation. the words i asked is whether or not i was fair and thorough and he was not willing to use those words. he would only use reasonable. >> i want to bring karen finney into the discussion. she's joining us from washington, msnbc analyst karen finney. karen, apologize. you were supposed to come on and talk about politics. but i just -- i didn't want to leave this subject. i want to stay with this for the rest of the show.
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karen, mitt romney was asked about this on the campaign trail today. jay carney was asked about it at the white house news conference today. are we going to see this case find its way into presidential politics? >> it certainly could. i think we don't yet know based on how this case continues to shake out. obviously, there are illegal issues that are relevant. there are gun law issues that are relevant. but the other thing that i think for me this case brings up is if you are an african-american in particular, i speak from my own experience, i want people to look at this case and understand why the idea of racial profiling is so terrifying. because that's what happened in this case. when people let their biases and their bigotry and stereotypes get the better of them, get the better of their judgment, this is the kind of thing that can happen. this is why in those immigration laws that we're seeing there are very serious concerns being raised. this is why when you have, you know, rick santorum on the
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campaign trail saying i don't want to make black or blah people's lives easier or gingrich talking about habits of black people and the food stamp president. these are all the kinds of stereotypes and bigotry that only gets furthered. >> all right. we're going to take a break here. arthur, jasmine and karen, please stay with us. i want to put up on the screen before we go that map of the w stand your ground so-called self-defense law exists. people should be studying this map. this is where you are at risk of having what happened to you, what happened to treyvon martin in florida, especially -- especially if you are a black man in america. we're going to be back with more on the treyvon martin case after this break.
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good to see you, thank you. >> there is mitt romney literally walk ago way from the treyvon martin case. back with me now, karen finney and attorney rand. i want us to see this video i'm about to show. it's about the beating of a homeless man in florida. the interesting thing about this case is this crime scene was supervised by the very same officer who supervised the scene of the noninvestigation of the killing of treyvon martin. let's look at this video of what happens to this homeless man. >> whoa! >> 21-year-old justin collison is the son of a police officer and was never charged. the man he struck first who was
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homeless had to be hospitalized. >> now, jasmine rand, that video has been making the rounds now in florida because the interesting thing is that that crime scene was supervised by the same officer who supervised the scene of the killing of treyvon martin. and he did not move for any charges against the person who we saw do that in that video. >> right. i actually got a call from my office while we were on break and there is something in the story that we need to correct. my office has been analyzing the tapes even as i've been on air. and i know that the version that we heard tonight, it appears that the words f-ing coon were used. the official version that we have from the police department, you don't hear those explitives. so where the version stating f-ing coons came from we don't know. at this time until we can verify that is an original copy from
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the sanford police department, the family cannot stand by those terms because we don't know where that version came from. >> okay. let's dig into. that that's important. so just so we understand, the version that you've heard or your office has heard from the police department, the official version doesn't have a blank there? does it have something inaudible? >> i don't believe that it has a blank there. i can't recall exactly from memory. but as stated earlier, first couple times i didn't hear or notice. that i have heard versions since then where i do hear that. but we went back and analyzed the original version that we received from the sanford police department and it does not appear to us that based upon the original version that our office received that explitives were included there. i can't say where that version where we can clearly hear the explitive there's came from. >> okay. that version came from a local television station